Learn the essentials of influencer marketing

I spill all the insider secrets that can take your brand to superstar status in your niche.

This information usually sells for $99, but it's free right now because you came through Ramon's podcast!

    As a bonus, I'll send you our Influence Marketing Letter every week so you're up to speed with what's working today!

    Unconventional Ways to Find Creators

    7 ways to find new influencers for your brand. Most people only know two or three.

    High Converting Email Templates

    Copy-paste email templates and drips that are proven to get 75%+ open rates and 35%+ response rates.

    WARNING: These will overwhelm your inbox with responses from creators.

    Accelerate Sales with Activation

    Getting ambassadors is half the song.

    Getting them to post - consistently - is where the concert happens.

    You will learn techniques that make creators post more often about your brand.